Core Skills Tuition for children: Perfect core skills at home through guided worksheets
No matter how well someone understands concepts, there is no escaping the fact that 'practice makes perfect'. Our core skills tuition programme provides just the right amount, level of difficulty and blend of topics for every student so they can build fluency across the subjects they are studying.
core skills home tuition: All students are provided with worksheets to complete at home to practiSe their skills and reinforce their learning.
Self-learning: As the challenging work is completed in workshops, so the easy work is provided with our core skills worksheets. This means that every student is able to work independently and develop a good study habit and the discipline to work without direct supervision.
Support network: The MagiKats support network relies on three elements: the student, their MagiKats Principal and a responsible adult (or occasionally older sibling) at home. We expect parents (or equivalent) to support their child as they work through their core skills sheets. We provide answers so that work can be easily checked, but we do not expect anyone at home to need to teach!
Feedback: Central to all learning with MagiKats is our feedback system. In the core skills home tuition programme, this takes the form of written communication between the student and their Principal, on a weekly basis. Parents (or equivalent) are asked to contribute too. Tips are provided and results are fed back. There are also crib sheets to help where needed.
A modular approach: Rather than concentrating solely on one topic at a time, our core skills home tuition programme is divided into study modules that mix topics according to how they relate to one another and their overall level of difficulty. The MagiKats Principal chooses appropriate work from within that module for each individual student and creates a programme that is 'just for them'. The quantity and variety of work available ensures that no two core skills programmes will ever be the same. The MagiKats programme is truly for each child or teenager as an individual.
A flexible approach: Most students will complete five short assignments at home per week, in addition to attending one workshop. However, where this approach will not work, MagiKats Principals work with the student and their family to find a routine that will. Centres are usually able to act 'in loco parentis' and support students whilst they complete their core skills programme. The quantity of work done during our core skills tuition programme can be set to work for each individual child, so that they can continue to progress in-between workshops and develop strong study habits.